Dems Seek Inquiry of Rep. Comer Over Biden Probe

House Democrats are seeking an ethics investigation into House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer on claims that he’s using his impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden to raise money for his reelection campaign.

“James Comer cares more about filling his war chest than serving the needs of his constituents,” Kyle Herrig, executive director of the Democrat-aligned Congressional Integrity Project, said in a statement, reported The Washington Examiner. “His disastrous reign on Oversight has all been to help two people first and foremost: himself, and Donald Trump. He cannot be trusted to conduct legitimate Oversight while using the Committee and its actions as his own personal campaign advertisement.”

In a letter to the Office of Congressional Ethics, the organization asks that a determination be made about whether the Kentucky Republican violated house rules by seeking campaign donations in messages related to the impeachment inquiry, saying that House rules prohibit solicitations for campaign or political contributions that are linked to a lawmaker’s official duties. 

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